If you run an eCommerce site, then you MUST have certain policies on your website for visitors and customers to review. With this bundle, you'll be ready to sit back and watch the orders flow in with the confidence of knowing you are legally protected!
When do I need this website policy bundle?
If you have a website, then you need this bundle!
What does this contract include?
100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee
If you run an eCommerce site, then you MUST have certain policies on your website for visitors and customers to review. With this bundle, you'll be ready to sit back and watch the orders flow in with the confidence of knowing you are legally protected!
When do I need this website policy bundle?
If you have a website, then you need this bundle!
What does this contract include?
Here what entrepreneurs and business owners have to say about Contractista...
At Contractista, all of our contract templates are attorney-drafted, by a business and intellectual property attorney, and peer-reviewed by attorneys with over 30 years of experience in contract drafting for multinational corporations.
Each contract has been drafted specifically for your niche and can be easily customized for each new client or project. You will also receive a video tutorial with your download in which Kailey Jacomet will sit down with you and explain what each provision of the contract means and how to customize your template.
We provide a 7-day money back guarantee to ensure that you are pleased with your purchase. In balance of the nature of a digital download and your investment in this product, we will honor your request and ask for your integrity in return.
Do I need a contract or website policies?
If you operate a website, you must have a comprehensive terms of use policy and privacy policy that comply with U.S. and international laws.
If you are a service-provider,you must have a contract to protect you and your business from liability. A contract helps to make sure you get paid, retain or properly transfer intellectual property rights, and protect your business from liability.
Piecing together a contract on your own can be very dangerous for your business.
Have you ever tried to write code and then hit the preview button to see what you just did to your website?
Well, writing a contract is a bit like writing code. The sentences, words, and even the punctuation don't just form an eloquently worded document...they have a LEGALLY BINDING affect, in your real life.
Unlike writing code for a website, with a contract there is no"preview" button.
If you have a weak contract, you might not know that until you're already knee-deep in legal trouble and by that time, it's too late.
Avoid this headache with an attorney-drafted customizable contract template that you can tweak for each service package you offer and each client.
Who wrote these contract and policy templates?
At Contractista, all of our contract and policy templates are attorney-drafted by Kailey Jacomet, a business and intellectual property attorney, and peer-reviewed by attorneys with over 30 years of experience in contract drafting for multinational corporations.
Each contract is drafted specifically for your niche and can be easily customized for each new client or project. You will also receive a video tutorial with your purchase in which Kailey Jacomet will sit down withyou and explain what each provision of the contract means and how to customize your template.
What if my client has a question about my contract template?
To help you stay savvy as a business owner, we have created a video tutorial for each and every contract and policy. In this video, Kailey Jacomet will sit down with you and briefly walk you through your whole contract, so you know exactly what each provision means!
How will I receive my template?
You’ll receive your template in an editable Word document immediately.
Can I share my template with family, friends, or clients?
No. The template is for your use only.You may use the template in the course and scope of your business, but you may not share the template with anyone other than a client to execute your agreement with them and you may not resell the template.
If you purchase a template through this Website, you may download your template subject to a limited, non-transferable, revocable license for your own personal, non-commercial use to download, view, and copy the material. You are expressly prohibited from reselling or distributing such purchased material.
How do I customize and use my contract?
When you purchase your contract template, you will also receive a video tutorial where you will sit down with Kailey Jacomet and go over how to customize your template, with a brief explanation of what each section means.
After you are finished customizing your template, you can use your favorite e-Signature software to quickly send your contracts to prospective clients and seal the deal!
What is your refund policy?
We provide a 7-day money back guarantee to ensure that you are pleased with your purchase. In balance of the nature of a digital download and your investment in this product, we will honor your request and ask for your integrity in return.
Have a question that wasn't answered here?
Thats what I'm here for! Contact me at Kailey@contractista.com and I'll get right back to you!